@DivaBiotech Believe it or not, training for appx 70 Lat. Am. distributors. Nice place and great people.

11:24am April 16th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

What American Idol teaches about interviewing. Good stuff from Forbes. http://t.co/finVERzS

7:51am April 15th 2012 via HootSuite

What American Idol can teach about interviewing. From Forbes: http://t.co/Yg8GzXag

7:50am April 15th 2012 via HootSuite

RT @edyong209 RT @SciencePunk: Dog eats scientist's labwork. Paper ensues. http://t.co/rzIG7Sy4

3:55pm April 12th 2012 via HootSuite

Beware of the graveyard shift! RT @TheScientistRep: The Dark Side of Working Nights http://t.co/846uOTlb

11:55am April 12th 2012 via HootSuite

Roche to $ILMN: you don't need crowd control, you are no $AAPL. http://t.co/jwucib0F

10:33am April 12th 2012 via HootSuite

From LifeHacker - my last name starts with 'Y', no wonder I'm impatient! http://t.co/DhA8vzp9

9:52pm April 11th 2012 via HootSuite

Is attending a scientific conference worth it? GenomeWeb piece - http://t.co/ViMVSYLC

5:38pm April 11th 2012 via HootSuite

Depressing stats; horrible colorscheme too. RT @ronaldyau: The Internet Is Ruining Your Brain [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/FIKT8Yia

11:07am April 11th 2012 via HootSuite

Job description I discovered this morning: "Social Conversation & Customer Awesomeness Manager".

8:57am April 11th 2012 via HootSuite

@blueseq Oops - got my years mixed up - thought it was Feb 2010 and not Feb 2011. So it makes sense, in Oct '10 the Ion transaction closed.

5:55pm April 10th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

@blueseq Surprised that the article says Life suspended Starlight development in Feb 2011. Hmm.

5:00pm April 10th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

@leonidkruglyak You make this LA native nostalgic for those days and odd hours on the 405...

11:28pm April 9th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

This is great RT @brainpicker:Einstein's letter to a little girl who wants to be a scientist and "regrets being a girl" http://t.co/tSMbUwCF

10:22pm April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

RT @pathogenomenick: How much better would the world be if all the finance 'quants' did computational biology instead?

5:05pm April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

Risk is >not< destiny. Lucid commentary on Vogelstein twin paper. http://t.co/s7M5NkTq

3:07pm April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

Via @matthewherper - Vogelstein paper and the limits of science journalism. http://t.co/XrGDejcL

12:30pm April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

"Some will never learn anything because they understood everything too soon." -Thomas Blount. Reminds me that humility is a virtue.

10:51am April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

The first rule of business travel is that the destination, even the purpose, of your trip is less important than the spirit you bring to it.

10:20am April 9th 2012 via HootSuite

My week on twitter: 2 retweets received, 4 new followers, 3 mentions. Via: http://t.co/lzXx0QXY

9:27am April 9th 2012 via TwentyFeet

What is a new Next Generation Sequencing customer to do?: In the roads I travel (and it is now over six years si... http://t.co/AoWVIHv8

9:12am April 9th 2012 via twitterfeed

100y of technology in 1 graph (from The Atlantic): http://t.co/XELSD79d

9:50am April 8th 2012 via HootSuite

Interesting Experian market segmentation - free RT @krisbarnes: Social Media Users Are More Likely To Drive a Saab... http://t.co/gWSGNBiD

9:20am April 8th 2012 via HootSuite

The NIH financial ecosystem: RT @pamefeliciano: Made this ballpark figure today for upcoming talks in Spain. http://t.co/ZxtPlPhu

8:15am April 8th 2012 via HootSuite

Just redeemed my @BingRewards - didn't believe it but search worth $20 for AMZN gift cert's. http://t.co/LJRR6j0b

7:03pm April 7th 2012 via HootSuite

@gwardis Alas the Intel Science Talent Search - http://t.co/tcZxvrwK - doesn't provide enough detail around the details of the work.

6:43pm April 7th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

@adamz @tienwong Alas easier said than done - repeated many times to me by my SO...

6:37pm April 7th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

24/7 isn't that impt! RT @harvardbiz: Is the obsession of regularly checking email really helping anyone's bottom line? http://t.co/J2z2JRN4

9:20am April 7th 2012 via HootSuite

The Franklin Inst - a must-see i Philly. RT @allscienceview: Philly science museum expansion will add big brain - http://t.co/iDdAFkj9

8:15am April 7th 2012 via HootSuite

I need to show this to my 9 y.o. RT @wired: What Space Looks Like to Kids http://t.co/JRHGxBq7

11:03pm April 6th 2012 via HootSuite

@divabiotech Re: Adele - Believe it or not, same here! (Have the music video on the iPad, what an inspiration while exhausted traveling...)

11:01pm April 6th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

Some tips for online privacy: Someone smart said in the summer of 2011, “If what you are getting online is for f... http://t.co/cP8Ncw0w

9:20am April 6th 2012 via twitterfeed

@GraingerLab So the replacement icon for 'save' should be... a piggy bank? A set of Graeco-Roman columns?

8:43pm April 4th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to

Catching up on Prometheus patent case and whole genome seq.: how other businesses don't compare. GEN: http://t.co/w70QD2DR #ngs

3:35pm April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Concentrating on GWAS and NGS over the past ~7y means I don't know a thing about ZFNs and TALe for synthetic biology. http://t.co/y1Twdk0A

2:05pm April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

What I'm reading: NIH Undiag. Disease Prog. successfully diagnoses 3/160 cases by SNPs, 3 more by Exome-Seq. Gen. Med. http://t.co/s9LRZMpq

12:15pm April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

The Broad analyzes 2.8k tumor exomes + 4k controls from TCGA, but what about the false-negative rate? Via GenomeWeb: http://t.co/6C9M5Qlr

10:31am April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Good thing I did not win the lottery: I am ~40x more likely to die because I forgot I am left-handed. http://t.co/HajTuqET

9:10am April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Being both cheap and wanting nice music throughout the house: The house I live in is very nice. As a matter of f... http://t.co/zDR8JmqI

8:25am April 4th 2012 via twitterfeed

Surprised to open yesterday's WSJ last night and see two Ion Proton photos. http://t.co/CApaaO0m

8:20am April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Where is the paperless office? Subsumed by bureaucracy and packaging. 50% increase since 1980 - Economist graph. http://t.co/08ssaGFc

7:40am April 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Digital mktg +12% - inevitable. RT @paul_mccord: Spending On Digital Marketing Continues To Rise http://t.co/AvLEEhFu via @krisbarnes

5:39pm April 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

1K Genomes Proj. & AWS: a very niche startup opportunity? http://t.co/S35tC6M2

2:50pm April 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

Ha ha! RT @BioMickWatson: Dear @Roche_com, I am happy that you buy @illumina, on condition that you replace CASAVA within 6 mos. Deal? #ngs

12:18pm April 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

A societal case for bicycling: 1 mi. = $0.42 (by car: -$0.27) http://t.co/GukBqVj5

11:50am April 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

My (vacation) reading of Hopkins / Velculscu twin genomes paper won't accept the NYT negative headline. Jax lab post: http://t.co/T8vZfygS

8:13am April 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

An entrepreneur's life. RT @harvardbiz: "I don't do anything, really. Except of course, work." http://t.co/uTVhndEh

10:55pm April 2nd 2012 via HootSuite

Worth checking out! RT @SENGLAITAN: RT @AACR: Watch the free webcast sessions from the #AACR Annual Meeting 2012. http://t.co/hjjRW984

9:09pm April 2nd 2012 via HootSuite

Worth checking out. RT @bioitworld: Register for tomorrow's webinar "Whole Genome Seq: The Next Dx Platform" http://t.co/JM9EWN3D

5:15pm April 2nd 2012 via HootSuite